The Holidays Arrived Early in Otis
By Diane Provenz, Co-Chair Otis Historical Commission
January/February 2025
How proud we are to announce that the Jane and Jack Fitzpatrick Trust (think Red Lion Inn) has generously continued their support of our efforts to turn St Paul’s Church into what we hope to be the new Otis Cultural Center.
Here’s the missive we were delighted to receive:
Dear Stephanie and Gail: After reviewing the proposal from Otis Preservation Trust, we have agreed to award a $50,000 grant to help with Phase two of repurposing the former St. Paul's Church into the Otis Cultural Center. We anticipate making the grant in early 2025. Most sincerely, The Jane and Jack Fitzpatrick Trust
This acceptance letter is addressed to Stephanie Skinner, President of the Otis Preservation Trust, a nonprofit created by Diane Provenz with a mission to support the efforts of the Otis Historical Commission, and to Gail Gelburd, Co-Chair of the Otis Historical Commission. Both entities have quietly, but steadfastly worked with the singular goal of saving our historical treasures for the community’s benefit. We encourage the community at large to continue its support of our efforts; donate, participate, join us! We have many tasks still to do. Tell us your skill set and we’ll match it with a need.
By now all in the community know that we’ve received almost $800,000 in grants and donations from a variety of entities. Many have wondered where the money has gone. It’s in the infrastructure fund for much needed repair. It’s in the emergency remedies for the steeple. It’s in the landscaping behind the building. It’s in the new basement support. None of these are that visible as you drive by the property, sorely in need of TLC. Now the visuals we can all identify with will be addressed: the roof, the painting and repurposing the interior. Our aggressive goal is to have it ready for the 250th Bicentennial and also look for the presentation of the Knox Trail video as a Notice Otis event.
Thanks to the Jane and Jack Fitzpatrick Trust, the Town of Otis Select Board and to our residents who make our work worthwhile.