A Message From The Town Clerk

Know What Is Going on in Otis? Are You Getting Otis News? Stay Notified and Sign Up Now!

by Lyn O’Brien, Town Clerk

January/February 2025

Sign up for our emergency phone notifications.

These notifications include emergency information, road/building closures, town meeting notifications and special event notifications throughout the year. Are you receiving these calls? If not, and you have been using a landline, we need your updated cell phone numbers for you to receive town related automatic or “robo” calls. You can email your updated phone numbers to townadmin@townofotisma.com. Please include your name, physical address and phone numbers.

Sign up for our email notifications.

The Town of Otis website is published at least five days a week, townofotisma. com. If you sign up to subscribe, one email with a summary of what was posted on the website during the day will come to your inbox at 5 p.m. Click and read the topics you are interested in. Tax information, election and town meeting information, Council on Aging, historic, library, recreation events, exercise classes, town boards, committees and councils meeting agendas and minutes, town news, highway news, police news, transfer station are all the things you can stay up to date with. To subscribe and receive this email sign up on the website at https://townofotisma. com/subscribe/.

Sam Maher

Founder and Curator-in-Chief of YesBroadway.com


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